Strip Plastika a High Heels s Nastyou Vyadro
Datum: 27.09.2019, Čas:
Taneční sektor
Během United Pole Kempu znovu se potkame s nádhernou Nastyou Vyadro. Tančit budeme znovu v tanečním sektoru a to rovnou dva dny - 27.9.2019 a 28.9.2019.
Nastya Vyadro je definitivne je jedna z nejvyraznejsich osobnoti Ruske tanecni sceny.
Nastya je semi - finalistkou TV show 'Dancing on TNT 2 season' - nejvetsi tanecni projekt v Rusku. Tanci strip plastiku, frame up, vogue a dalsi styly.
Dalsi zajimavosti:
Three-time winner of the "Frame up" festival in the nomination "The best erotic solo show"
Judging at the festival "Frame up"
The winner of the strip-plastic festival "live dancing", Moscow - in the nomination "Strip-plastic Solo Profi"
The best dancer according to the version of the Festival "Nomination Rock Princess"
The choreographer of the "Sorry Daddy" team won the "Frame up 6" in the "Best Erotic Show Group" nomination, the two-time winners of the "Dance Day" festival, the 2nd place in the Best Erotic Show Group nomination for "Frame up 7"; 3 place in the nomination Best High Heels Show Group for "Frame up 7". 3 place Project 818, 2015 in the nomination "Best high heels crew Profi"
3 place Project 818 2017 in the team "Yes Boss", 1 place Millennium dance festival in the team "Yes Boss".
Opened with a solo performance "Russian National Music Award 2016" in the Kremlin
Solo performance at the All-Russian Festival "Wind Rose", 2016
The character of the author's charity project Anton Mukhin in Moscow and St. Petersburg "ArtStil", photo exhibition "Ultra Feelings", 2016
Took part in the Dance project and exhibition “The Beat of time” in Switzerland, 2018
Filming in the videos for Russian singers.
"Intitled Vogue Ball" 2017 - winner of the nomination "Best Body"
Virgin Vogue Ball 2017 - the winner of the nomination "Runway"
Took part in the immersion show "Returned", Moscow
Actress of the largest European immersive show "Faceless", St. Petersburg
Pátek 27.9.2019
1) High heels 10.00 - 11.30
Míst 10
Сena: 1200CZK
2) Strip Plastika 11.30 - 13.00
Míst 10
Сena 1200CZK
Sobota 28.9.2019
1) Strip Plastika 16.00 - 17.30
Míst 10
Сena 1200CZK
2) High heels 17.30 - 19.00
Míst 10
Сena: 1200CZK
PLATBA: po přihlášení převodem na účet 2201644880/2010 nebo v hotovosti ve studiu Pole Školy
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Workshop proběhne ve studio Taneční Sektor, adresa Tusarová 31
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